The Ask Beatty Podcast
THE ASK BEATTY SHOW is hosted by Beatty Cohan, MSW, LCSW, AASECT, a nationally recognized psychotherapist, sex therapist, author of for Better for Worse Forever: Discover the Path to Lasting Love, advice columnist for Dan’s Papers, national speaker and national radio and television expert guest. Her show is about EMPOWERMENT. Beatty discusses mental issues, sexuality, relationships and newsworthy subjects and teaches listeners the things that we all need to DO to maximize our physical and emotional well-being, despite the stressors of life. Her mantra..ACKNOWLEDGE, ADDRESS AND RESOLVE AS BEST AS WE CAN THE THINGS THAT GET IN THE WAY OF OUR LIFE AND RELATIONSHIPS. Beatty has a private practice in New York City and East Hampton.

Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
1. Assessing your life and your relationships. Are you living the life that you want? If not why not? What changes do you need to make? And if you are not sure, are you willing to seek professional help? 2. 3 Things you can do TODAY if you are feeling exhausted. 3. Suicide statistics. Are you at risk? 4. Parenting 101 in the digital age. To Life and Love, XxxxxBeatty

Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
1. Are you staying the course? Are you doing what is in your best interest or are you engaging in self-sabatoging, self-destructive or destructive behavior? Take my weekly test and find out. 2. My guest today is Dr. Norman Wyloge, a New York City psychoanalyst with over 50 years of clinical experience. His specialties include corporate stress, post traumatic stress disorder and issues driving people to overeat. He is particularly interested in the effects of divorce on men, particularly in long term marriages. To Life and Love, XxxxxBeatty

Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
1. Are you taking care of yourself emotionally and physically or are you guilty of intentional neglect and ignorance. Take my test and find out. 2. INFIDELITY. A shifting dynamics of desire in a time of changing gender roles has created a hell of a lot of psychic upheaval in marriages.My guest today is New York City divorce attorney Robert Dobrish, who is seeing a new phenomenon: men who fully participate in a marriage, but whose wives then have affairs, seek divorce and custody of the kids. What's going on? 3. Don't miss my panel...Sex, Sexy, Patriarchy and FEMINISM at the Left Form in New York City on Saturday, June 29th at 12:30 p.m. My panelists are Naomi Snider. co-author with Carol Gilligan of Why Patriarchy Persists? and Pearl's Daily, burlesque artist and actor.To Life and Love, XxxxxBeatty

Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Today's show gives you dozens of practical, doable suggestions that can improve the quality of your life and your relationships beginning today. Are you ready to commit to making some positive changes that will enhance your wellbeing?

Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
1. Are you taking care of yourself mentally, emotionally and physically? Check out these important reminders and find out whether you are really being good to yourself. 2. My guest today is Holly Roach Knight, a cultural organizer, a contemplative activist and social justice educator, who lives at the social movement intersection of racial equity, contemplative faith and education. She is developing a body of work she calls Integral Social Change and is co-founder and co-director at Transform Network. For more information go to TransformNetwork.Org. To Life and Love, XxxxxBeatty

Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
1. Are you SERIOUS about creating the life you want? Take my test and find out. 2. CURRENT RESEARCH IN PSYCHIATRY. My guest today is Dr. Uriel Halbreich, MD. He is a Professor of Psychiatry, Director of Biobehavioral Research, State University of New York at Buffalo (SUNY-AB) and Founding Chairman, World Psychiatric Association (WPA) Section on Interdisciplinary Collaboration. He has written 14 books, more than 350 papers in scientific journals and books and more than 670 abstracts. He is a former combat physician, Golani Brigade, IDF and a former Vice Chief Medical Officer of the Israeli Navy. To Life and Love, XxxBeatty

Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
1. Are you on a constructive or a self-destructive path. Take my test and find out? 2. QUESTION FROM CALLER: I have no sex drive and my partner is threatening to leave the relationship. What should I do? 3. Effective Couples Counseling.....3 STEPS TO LIFE AND LOVE, XXXBEATTY

Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
1. Are you doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results? Are you ready to try something new .....something that will actually work for you? 2. Emotional and physical well-being are dependent on the these BEHAVIORS.... 3. My guest today is Pearls Daily, is a critically acclaimed actress, comedienne, and burlesque artist based in New York City. She was crowned Miss Coney Island 2019 and currently is appearing with Ronnie Marmo at the Box in I Am Not A Comedian...I Am Lenny Bruce. In addition to her stage work, she has an extensive body of work in feature film, TV, standup. Sketch comedy, improv and magic. To Life and Love, XxxBeatty

Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
1. Are you ready to ask for help?2. Mindfulness...doing what is in your best interest. Are you onboard? 3. My guests today are Arden Greenspan-Goldberg, a nationally known family and marriage psychotherapist, specializing in parenting, pre-tween, tween, teen and young adult issues. She is the author of WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? SHE"S A TEENAGER, a must-read book for every mother and father who are trying to remain sane during the ups and downs of the teenage years. Her book offers you a way to step back from the chaos, manage your worries and cultivate a more open and less relationship with your daughter. Her daughter Samara, a certified life coach and parenting educator in her own right is here with us as well to offer her own insights both as a daughter and coach. To Life and Love, XxxBeatty

Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
1. Are you creating the life you want? Take this test and find out. This test will help you create the vision in 7 different areas of your life. 2. Have you heard the term digisexuality? Did you happen to read about the man in Japan who recently married an anime hologram, a ROBOT that he built himself? Is disexuality emerging as a new sexual identity? My guest today is Dr. Neil McArthur, Professor of philosophy at the University of Manitoba, Director of Project and Applied Ethics, filmmaker, author of the book David Hume's Political Theory and co-author of Robot Sex: Social and Ethical Implications. He has done extensive research on the new and emerging phenomenon, whereby humans are forging intimate and sexual relationships with ROBOTS! This is an interview that you will not want to miss!TO LIFE AND LOVE, XXXBEATTY